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Toddle's Story

Picture a group of educators coming together to build a platform that solves their everyday challenges - just as a passion project - and end up building a global powerhouse. Growing from a team of 5 working from their school’s ICT lab to more than 400 employees in 17 countries in just 5 years. It is the stuff of dreams. 

It is also the story of Toddle. Started by educators, Toddle launched in 2019 and is used by 2,000+ schools. They are a mission-driven company aiming to make the teachers’ lives easier. As Deepanshu Arora, CEO- Toddle, says, Toddle’s “Big Hairy Audacious Goal is to give teachers back 10 hours every week while helping them elevate their practice.” 

Toddle is doing 3 things to achieve this:

  • Building Toddle as a one-stop shop for all teaching-learning needs 

  • Providing every teacher with an AI-assistant

  • Integrating deeply with other platforms to provide a seamless experience

Toddle is the only platform that brings together long term curriculum planning to day-to-day teaching and learning. Teachers can: 

  • create units and differentiated lesson plans 

  • visualise automatically generated curriculum maps and gain insights into gaps in the curriculum

  • create interactive, auto-corrected quizzes with AI

  • send work to students, receive their submissions and provide personalised feedback through audio, video and annotations

  • add their work to portfolios, evaluate student work with grades seamlessly moving to the gradebook

  • create beautiful, next generation, visual progress reports with embedded evidence from student work in the form of photos and videos

  • build vibrant parent communities with “Toddle Connect” - Toddle’s powerful communication tool

With features like attendance, timetable, calendar, and more, Toddle is truly an end-to-end solution. 85% of schools switching to Toddle replace three or more platforms — some replacing as many as 7!

But what impressed us the most, was Toddle’s AI assistant. It stands head and shoulders above anything that we have seen. It is deeply embedded within Toddle’s workflows and goes beyond simply generating content. It offers an iterative experience where the AI acts as a partner for teachers; making the experience almost addictively fun and delightful.

And to cap it all off, is Toddle’s School-Success team. Toddle follows a unique model of supporting schools through “Toddle Buddies”. According to Nick Morgan, Director, ANZ, “A Toddle Buddy’s only job is to make sure that their school is happy with and getting value out of Toddle.” All Toddle Buddies are ex-educators who truly understand the day-to-day life of a teacher. 

Toddle also provides 24x7 chat support with response time less than 3 minutes! This unique support model coupled with a very intuitive platform, helps schools get up and running with Toddle in just 56 days on average.

Toddle is an inspiring story of a platform born out of necessity, built by educators for educators. This company hits the trifecta with its powerful purpose, exceptional product, and outstanding service, setting them apart in the industry. 

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