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Xuno's Story


Every school is different: a range of leaders and leadership styles, diversity in staff capabilities and motivations and of course a broad array of culturally and economically distinct families.

Within a school you can move from one campus to another and find a totally different culture. Move from one faculty to the next and you’ll find distinct tribes, with divergent styles of working and often competing interests.

At risk of labouring an obvious point, providing an IT framework to facilitate the workflow of educators, administrators, leaders, students and families is never going to be easy. Yet it’s amazing how often the same “square wheel” of a one-size-fits-all solution is floated.

But with your permission we’ll assume that you already know that this approach doesn’t work. 

Expertise, Versatility, and Connectivity

Xuno Suite is a school information system that was borne from specialist 3rd party products. And that is the strongest cultural influence upon us. This means that we are hardwired to respect the expertise of others, as well as a school’s right to choose the best mix of products for its particular circumstances. 

Originally, we were known as MarkBook®, which we rebranded to Accelerus a few years later. Accelerus, as you may know, is a premium academic reporting and data tool that many schools use instead of in-built options available in their incumbent school systems. This is true across the full spectrum of Australian schools, in all states and territories, independent or public. Accelerus is often referred to as “the gold standard” in reporting.

More recently we acquired Xuno, a student management system that had a fantastic reputation amongst IT professionals for its versatility and the accessibility of its data for downstream use. And users reported that it was by far the easiest to navigate. Over the years we have upgraded Xuno to become a source of truth and operate as a SIS.

Xuno didn’t have a reporting system, so the synergies were obvious. And during Covid, our cloud and communications capability came to the fore, as discussed by Microsoft:


Xuno originally didn’t have a family app, so we built what is now the highest (organically) rated family app of its kind in the industry (4.6 Stars, Appstore)

In 2022 we acquired GradeXpert, a product that had a brilliant data repository and analytics tool, Student Maps. We swiftly rebuilt this specialist product into the cloud. Like Accelerus, Student Maps is agnostic to a school’s incumbent system and is in use across all sectors of Australian education.

You can’t talk school IT systems without talking connectivity. We don’t pay lip service to this. We know that for our business to survive and thrive, we must be part of the movement to purge any remnant practices of data hoarding in the industry. So, we are happy to work closely with partners that facilitate data interoperability, like Wonde.

With Wonde, we are in a rare position of being both a source of truth as well as a consumer of data from alternative sources of truth. And this is thoroughly in keeping with our philosophy of enabling schools to choose their own version of what’s best for them.


What next?

If you’d like to augment your incumbent SIS with specialist reporting and analytics tools, then we are happy to oblige with either Accelerus or Student Maps.

If you’d like to move beyond that and flip to the Xuno backbone, well that’s an option too.

If you’d just like to chat about planning for multiple interacting products, whether they are ours or not, well we’re happy to help with that too.

One-by-one or all-in-one, it’s all up to you.


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