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MITIE Sponsorship Opportunities

Welcome to MITIE, Australia's oldest, largest and most active network of ICT education professionals. As a non-profit association, our mission is to champion excellence in ICT in education through advocacy, professional development, and collaborative innovation. Join us as a sponsor to support and engage with this vibrant community and connect your brand with school ICT professionals from across Australia.

Why Sponsor MITIE?
Sponsoring MITIE connects you with the country's largest and most active community of school ICT education professionals. Your support helps us continue providing high-quality professional development and to support best practices in educational technology.

Sponsorship Benefits
As a MITIE sponsor, you will enjoy the following:

  • Enhanced brand visibility across our website, communications and during our events.

  • Direct networking opportunities with ICT leaders through MITIE Meet-Ups and conferences.

  • The ability to contribute to the professional development of educators via programs like the MITIE Mentor Program.

Sponsorship Options

  1. MITIE Partners ($10,000): Engage deeply with our community through year-long visibility and numerous networking opportunities.

  2. MITIE Streaming ($3,000 per term conference): Broaden your reach by sponsoring the live streaming of our term conferences to include regional members.

  3. MITIE Meet-Ups ($2,000 per meet-up): Foster informal, valuable networking by sponsoring our MITIE Meet-Ups.

  4. MITIE Mentor Program ($20,000): Support and gain recognition in our mentorship initiatives, which foster professional growth across the education sector.

How Sponsorship Funds Are Used
Every dollar contributed by our sponsors is invested back into the community to:

  • Maintain and enhance digital platforms that serve as vital resources for our members.

  • Organise term conferences and professional learning workshops that address current and emerging ICT challenges in education.

  • Offer scholarships and travel grants to enable wider participation in MITIE events.

  • Support the operation and administration of MITIE, ensuring our network remains robust and responsive to the needs of ICT educators.

Sponsor Responsibilities

  • Ensure timely payment of sponsorship fees.

  • Advocate for MITIE’s mission and values within the educational sector.

  • Provide a door prize at sponsored events to engage attendees.

How to Become a Sponsor
To become a MITIE sponsor, please.

We evaluate each application to ensure alignment and mutual benefit.

Contact Us
For more details or to discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact the MITIE President, Brenton Harty, at president@mitie.edu.au 

MITIE Incorporated. ABN 85 607 373 857.

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