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About MITIE (Managing ICT in Education)

Our Mission

MITIE is committed to championing excellence in ICT for education through advocacy, professional development, and collaborative innovation. We aim to provide a platform for ICT professionals to grow, share, and contribute to advancing educational technology use.

Our Rich History

From a humble beginning as an informal network of school IT managers, MITIE has become a pivotal force in educational technology in Australia. Our evolution from distributing floppy disks to leading discussions on cybersecurity at national conferences illustrates our growth and adaptability.

Our Community and Activities

MITIE boasts a dynamic community of over thousands of members, including ICT managers, educators, and tech vendors. We organise:

Term Conferences: Held quarterly, these conferences allow members to delve into pressing ICT topics and network extensively.

MITIE Mentor Program: This initiative supports the professional growth of our members through mentoring, enhancing their skills and leadership abilities.

Our Vision for the Future

As technology continues to evolve, so does MITIE. We are dedicated to staying at the cutting edge, ensuring our members are equipped to lead and innovate. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and sharing, we support not just individual growth but also the advancement of educational technology nationwide.

Get Involved

Whether by attending a conference, participating in our mentorship programs, or becoming a sponsor, there are many ways to engage with MITIE. Learn more about our activities and how you can join us in driving the future of ICT in education.

MITIE Incorporated. ABN 85 607 373 857.

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