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  • 14 May 2024 5:35 PM | Anonymous

    Fundamentally, MITIE is an egalitarian group. We provide free access to our most valuable asset, our forum. We recognize the contributions of every individual, whether they are working in a school or supplying services to schools, regardless of their seniority, the prestige of their employer, or their background. With this in mind, we have structured opportunities suitable for most businesses to support MITIE if they choose to.

    Why Sponsor MITIE?

    You chose to work in the EdTech space to make a significant positive impact on education.

    You share the same values as MITIE and have witnessed the benefits it provides to its members. You want to support this mission and help it grow further.

    You aspire to support an inclusive national organization with over 2,500 members, aiming to collaborate with educational groups across Australia, New Zealand, and eventually the entire APAC region.

    What might MITIE do with the Money that is Raised?

    MITIE is a non-profit organization, and we pledge to spend all the money you donate to support the MITIE community and its members in their great work. Your contributions will enable MITIE to organize more events, provide additional benefits to our members, such as free conference attendance for our female members, host more social gatherings, and create more opportunities for schools and vendors to interact and learn from each other.

    We further pledge not to leave money idle in a bank when it can be better invested in initiatives that benefit the MITIE community.

    For more information on how you can support MITIE, please visit the link below.

    MITIE Inc. - Sponsor Us

    We request that all vendors wishing to sponsor MITIE to fill out the sponsorship form on the link provided ASAP as there are limited spaces.

    Please direct question to president@mitie.edu.au

    Mike Parker
    (on behalf of the MITIE Steering Committee)

  • 8 May 2024 11:10 AM | Anonymous

    At MITIE, we value the diversity of experiences and perspectives, recognizing it as a vital strength for any organization. We are committed to increasing the representation of women in ICT within Education, enhancing their contribution to thought leadership that drives progress.

    July 2019 - MITIE/TSIST term conference in Hobart

    Starting in May 2024, MITIE is excited to provide all female members with complimentary access to all conferences. We aim to not only encourage more women to participate in these events but also aim to inspire educational institutions to support more women in attending.

    November 2018 - Term Conference hosted by Google

    While we do not look at this as a huge step, at least it is a step, and a step that we are happy to take.

    July 2019 - MITIE term conference St Augustine's Brookvale

    Mike Parker
    (on behalf of the MITIE Steering Committee)

  • 11 Jun 2019 4:33 PM | Anonymous

    MITIE offers many opportunities for members to engage with, and learn from each other, such as term conferences, the online forum and a host of other initiatives. Building on this work, MITIE commenced a peer mentoring program in February this year to allow members to engage one-on-one with a mentor to support them in their professional development and growth.

    Nathan Mares, who is a mentor and one of the program’s coordinators, said the peer mentoring program provides a great opportunity to “leverage the knowledge” of the MITIE community.

    “Some of our members have decades of experience and have seen how the industry has changed over that time,” said Nathan who is the IT Director at Roseville College on Sydney’s North Shore. “We also have members who are fairly new in their ICT roles, as well as those stepping up into leadership positions, and it seemed like a mentoring program was a good way to share and build the expertise between schools and across the MITIE membership.”

    The program, which is sponsored by Corporate Partners Next Technologies and EdSmart, was initially promoted via workshops last December and in January this year, resulting in 15 mentees nominating to be paired up with volunteer mentors.

    Both mentees and mentors commit to a six-month arrangement, however mentor and co-coordinator of the program, Ally Eddy, said he sees his mentoring partnership continuing.

    “It’s an ongoing professional dialogue,” said Ally who is the ICT Manager of Giant Steps Australia, a school for students with Autism in Sydney. “Since the start of the year I’ve had three video conferences with my mentee Wayne and I’ve just spent two days at his school in the term holidays.”

    “We don’t follow a formal mentoring structure as such, but have engaged in a natural professional conversation, sharing our ideas and learning from each other,” he said. “Now we have established this connection, it makes sense to keep chatting and Wayne will come down to Sydney in July to see how we work at Giant Steps.”

    Wayne, who has been in his ICT leadership role at Calrossy Anglican School in Tamworth for about two and a half years, is finding great value in the program.

    “I’ve had a previous ICT role in Bourke for a few years, and have come from a technical background, but I thought the program would allow me to get more specific advice and direction from someone who has been working at the leadership level in a school,” said Wayne. “Learning from someone with Ally’s experience has been excellent.”

    “I’ve found the members in MITIE are so willing to share their expertise, and being a regional school, the mentoring program helps to alleviate the tyranny of distance,” he said. “It’s been really helpful to get a different perspective and to understand the challenges other schools face and how they have overcome these challenges.”

    Program participants receive preparatory training with facilitator Lynne Stone, the former principal of St Catherine’s Waverley. Lynne has extensive experience in delivering mentoring programs from her role as National Partnerships Coordinator at AISNSW, and in her work as an education and leadership consultant.

    “The training guides mentors in setting expectations around the program, the roles of mentees and mentors and how to establish appropriate boundaries,” said Nathan. “We’ve had two workshops in Sydney and Melbourne and are hoping to offer a further workshop in Queensland later in the year.”

    “We already have a number of mentees who have put their hands up for the next round which is very positive,” he said.

    Nathan’s mentee Dane Marcus from The King’s School is finding the program beneficial.

    “It’s a great way of connecting with someone you wouldn’t normally have contact with,” Dane said. “We’ve been able to discuss our industry, positions, problems and wins, and the program also allows us to share ideas, plans and knowledge.”

    “It definitely allows us to become a stronger community,” he said. 

    Nathan said the benefits flow both ways.

    “As a mentor, it’s interesting to hear how things are done at another school and challenges you to think differently about how you operate,” he said. “I get to think about my own principles and approaches in a particular area, and how I handle situations. It allows me to reflect on my own practice.”

    Expressions of interest are open for both mentors and mentees. For more information contact contactus@mitie.edu.au.

    Thank you to our corporate sponsors who have made this mentoring program possible:

    Next Technologies  and  EdSmart

  • 16 Mar 2019 9:51 AM | Deleted user

    MITIE is a not-for-profit incorporated association that exists for its members. In response to the great interest shown by members, MITIE commenced a peer mentoring program during the recent summer break with events held in Sydney and Melbourne. An event is currently being finalized for Queensland members.

    The MITIE peer mentoring program provides an opportunity for up and coming members to benefit from the experienced of members in established roles. Events are run by an experienced facilitator who covers the roles and expectations of mentors and mentees.

    Pairing of mentors and mentees from these events has been completed, marking the commencement of the second stage of this exciting initiative to assist professionals who support the use of information and communication technologies in education.

    A big thanks to our commercial members, in particular Next Technologies and EdSmart, whose support enables MITIE members to participate in this professional development event at no cost.

    Keep an eye out for information on the event planned for Queensland.

  • 28 Jan 2018 7:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The full results of the SGM (login to Forum required), be seen via this link, are as follows:

    Motion 1 - Allowing for Institutional (Bundle) Members

    Agree 96%
    Disagree 4%

    Motion 2 - Allowing for Provisional Members

    Agree 98%
    Disagree 2%

    Motion 3 - Changes to the membership application process

    Agree 97%
    Disagree 3%

    Motion 4 : Removal of Section 6.(1)(b).

    Agree 97%
    Disagree 3%

    Motion 5 - Changes to the membership approval process

    Agree 95%
    Disagree 5%

    Motion 6 - Right of Refund should a membership application be rejected

    Agree 100%
    Disagree 0%

    Motion 7 : Addition of Section 2, Part 6.3© - Entry into Register of Members

    Agree 100%
    Disagree 0%

    Motion 8: Membership Process - Removal of Section 2, Part 6.4

    Agree 99%
    Disagree 1%

    Motion 9 - Registry of Members : The information we collect and store

    Agree 93%
    Disagree 7%

    Motion 10 - Update of Part 2, Section 6 to reflect Applications instead of Nominations

    Agree 99%
    Disagree 1% 

    Motion 11: Office Holder Term Lengths

    Agree 92%
    Disagree 8%

    Ally Eddy.
    MITIE Secretary

  • 16 Dec 2017 8:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In October 2017 I accompanied a delegation of CoSN members on a week long tour of New Zealand. The event was a wonderful opportunity to understand what makes the NZ education system one of the best in the world.

    Using disaster as opportunity to rethink

    At the 2011 AISNSW ICT Leadership and Management Conference Paul Rodley from Christ's College in Christchurch New Zealand spoke about what it means to really put a disaster recovery and business continuity plan into action. Paul had been involved in rescuing servers from underneath an unstable, earthquake damaged building and restarting them in his garage so that his school could assess contact details for staff, students and the broader community. I recall the conference delegates listening intently as Paul described the very real risks he and his colleagues took retrieving those servers and the things they had to do to access and distribute their data.

    Up until we heard that presentation I don’t think many of my Australian ICT Director peers realised how important disaster recovery and business continuity planning really is. Afterwards many of my colleagues and I returned to our schools, dusted off our DR/BCM plan and looked it with fresh eyes, or if we didn’t have one, soon began to craft one with a real sense of urgency. Some attribute the phrase “never let a good crisis go to waste” to Winston Churchill. Whether he said it or not, the fact remains that many schools in Australia are better prepared for potential disaster thanks to the terrible earthquake experiences of our cousins across the Tasman Sea – we didn’t let a good crisis go to waste.

    Accessibility to technology

    How would you configure technology in large open-plan learning spaces designed to accommodate 40 to 60 students and 4-5 teachers in as flexible a format as possible? What’s more the spaces are ultra-configurable with the walls being the only things that don’t move - and in some spaces that’s only partly true. The solution the ingenious Kiwis have come with up at Stonefield School near Auckland, is to provide their technology with wheels - and that doesn’t mean wheels for each iPad or computer, but wheels for the storage and recharge units. Each unit can be wheeled into place to form an alcove or nook, placed out of the way against a wall or trundled to where the students happen to be working. And while you’re at it, why not equip the device storage and recharge unit with cupboards whose doors serve as mini whiteboards or slide back to reveal a large screen TV and sound system. Students on both sides of the unit can work on their own projects without interfering with each other’s learning. A truly remarkable use of space and very clever design!

    A rolling technology hub at Stonefield's School near Auckland N.Z.

    Sarah Martin, Principal of Stonefield School, when asked about student’s access to technology replied that “tech is an extension of who kids are, we don’t event talk about it as a thing”. But the School does think about the best way to provide students with the technology that they use on a daily basis. Stonefield has a 1:1 program across the school charging parents around $3.50 per week or a one-off charge of $500 for iPads in years 1-3 and Chromebooks in years 4-8.

    In an innovative collaboration with some tech-savvy parents from the school, Stonefield has developed the Schooltalk (https://schooltalk.co.nz/)planner that helps students “plan, learn and reflect in efficient and transparent ways.” This software provide students with a clear graphical view of their learning so that they know what learning has been achieved, see new learning plans on the calendar, and add your own learnings. Parents see the goals of the learning for every activity, find out how they can help, they are encouraged to assist with home learning using the selected resources as well as to see helpful keywords from today’s learning to engage their child in meaningful conversations. For teachers the software enables them to plan their teaching and their students’ learning, capture evidence of learning and report on progress.

    At Lemonwood Grove School, the principal Sean Bailey said that ICTs are not given special status at his school explaining that there is no special ICT budget and that it is simply integrated as a tool. Sean was much more excited to talk about the way the school uses skylights to provide natural lighting, LED lights are used when needed and sensors trigger the opening of high-level windows to bring in fresh air when CO2 levels get too high. The ICT device ecosystem is varied with MacBooks, iPads and Chromebooks in the school provided fleet for use by the School’s initial enrolment of 150 students. On the software side Google Docs with management provided by Hapara (https://hapara.com/) – a New Zealand born innovation – along with Google Classrooms.

    The CoSN NZ delegation

    A local's presepective

    While in Auckland I spent some time talking to Sam McNeill who, before working for Microsoft in Auckland, was an ICT Director in New Zealand Schools. Sam told me that NZ never really went down the school/government provided 1:1 model like some parts of Australia did during the Australian Government’s Digital Education revolution. Instead NZ leaped from “computer labs” to BYOD accompanied by much thinking around pedagogy and device usage in the classroom. Sam tells me that he’s seen better “device programmes” in Australia, but in comparison to NZ the Australian approach had a “hands off” approach around the pedagogy. He says that given the relative lack of devices early on, many schools in NZ thought very hard about how best to integrate them into the teaching and learning.

    Sam McNeill and Ian Ralph at HP's Evolve Education event in Auckland

    Supporting the pedagogically sound use of IT in the classroom is the Network 4 Learning (N4L) https://www.n4l.co.nz/ programs. These aim to provide EVERY school, both city and rural, with good core network infrastructure and free fibre to the door. Sam says that while N4L has had its critics it means schools have good connectivity and is cited as one reason G Suite and O365 have really taken off in New Zealand schools. And what’s really amazing is that N4L is essentially “free” to schools. “It’s forward thinking and aimed to help remove the barriers of connectivity to the WWW for students/teachers. I know many schools overseas that are envious of this level of investment in schools.” says Sam.

    Ian Ralph

  • 14 Oct 2017 2:28 PM | Deleted user

    Our final term conference for 2017 will be held at Microsoft, North Ryde on November 13th, 2017.

    Registration is now open for this event.  You will also see a post on the MITIE forum and an email headed to your registered email address.  Not a member? It's easy and FREE to join.


    We are pleased to acknowledge the support of the following organisations:

    Gold Sponsor

    Leader Ubiquiti.jpg

    Silver Sponsors:

     CareMonkey-Logo-Horizontal-150419.png  Copy of CompNow-DEP-Apple-macworld-australia-258x188.jpg  Somerville.png 


    Thanks also to ClickView for live streaming the event

  • 5 Sep 2017 6:56 PM | Deleted user

    The Inaugural MITIE Term Conference in South Australia will be held at St Michael’s College Adelaide on Thursday 5th October.

    Ashley Morrison  from St Michael’s is very keen to make this an event to be remembered and to achieve this he is working closely with Paul Hackett, one time MITIE Steering Committee member, from Endeavour College1.

    ASI generous sponsors
    This terrific initiative was kicked off through the support of ASI who will be sponsoring the event. Many thanks to Michael Eggenhuizen  and Chris Ennis  from ASI for supporting MITIE in such a generous fashion.

    This is the first of many term Conferences in South Australia 

    Keep an eye out for registrations which will open soon.

  • 2 Aug 2017 12:00 AM | Deleted user

    Educational Infrastructure Spokesperson and MITIE Steering Committee member David Soede from Central Coast Grammar School will address the Senate Joint Standing Committee on the National Broadband Network (NBN) during public hearings on Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at Mingara Recreation Club on NSW's Central Coast.

    David has appeared before this committee in 2014 and will again be expressing MITIE's view that the NBN has been an opportunity lost for the nation. David will make the point that by abandoning fibre to the premise and going with a mixture of technologies the NBN rollout has resulted in disappointing network performance for those schools who have adopted the NBN as their carrier to connect to the internet.  This poor performance has meant that a range of high value educational opportunities that high-speed, uncontended, low-latency internet connections facilitate have been lost. In fact some schools, that were connected to the NBN network, have since changed providers to obtain higher speeds and more stable connections. 

    In particular the NBN appears to have been a lost opportunity for schools in regional, remote, or even outer suburban areas of major cities where other forms of internet connections are either unavailable or prohibitively expensive.

    Check out this website from the Joint Standing Committee on the National Broadband Network for transcripts of what David Soede said in his submission and in answer to questions from the Committee members (transcript may take a while to be published).

    David also gave an interview to ABC local radio on 3rd of August (fast forward to 1:09:40)

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